Our Benefits


  1. High purity water soluble rice silica
  2. Unique formula
  3. Rich in minerals and trace elements
  4. Nanotechnology enhancement for high penetration & absorption
  5. Good detoxification agent
  6. High antioxidant
  7. Safe and high-quality raw ingredients
  8. Patented silica extracting technology & pioneer in silica R&D
  9. Science & research backed

1. Promote Bone & Joint Health

  • Stimulate osteoblasts (bone-building cells) & inhibit osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells)
  • Stimulate production of collagen
  • Assist in building up cartilage


  • Consumption of 40mg of silicon daily accounted for 10% higher bone mineral density than a low intake o around 14mg per day.

  • Framingham offspring cohort study

  • Inositol has protective effect on bone mass loss reduce risk of osteoporosis.

  • Postmenopausal women with low inostol level has more than 2% of bone mass loss in the lumbar spine than those with high inositol levels.

    European Journal of Nutrition, 2013.

  • Ginsenoside, the active substance in ginseng, is known for its anti-osteoporotic effects and beneficial in improving arthritis symptoms.

  • In women with osteopenia, intake of 3 g of ginseng extract per day over 12 weeks notably improved the knee arthritis symptoms with improvements in the serum osteocalcin (OC) concentration and ratios of bone formation indices like urine deoxypyridinoline/ osteocalcin (DPD/OC).

    Nutrients MDPI, 2021.

    2. Enhance Blood Circulation & Cardiovascular Health

    The elasticity of the aortic walls become lesser as a result of a decline of silica content in the aortic tissues.

    • Maintain healthy structures of heart & blood vessels
    • Clear excess lipids, cholesterol or calcium build up in the arteries
    • Support healthy blood circulation

    3. Regulate Hormone Levels

    • Maintain healthy structures of epithelial cells.
    • Promote insulin sensitivity & regulate blood sugar.
    • Improve fertility.
    • Reduce stress and anxiety.

    Diabetic Populations in Southeast Asia

    Total annual costs for diabetes care in South Asia range from $483-$2637 per patient, and on an average 5.8% of diabetic patients have to reduce households basic expenditure by 40% to cope with healthcare costs.

    Annual direct health care costs from diabetes in Malaysia total about RM4. 4 billion, 227% higher than cancer (RM1. 3 billion) and 11% higher than cardiovascular disease (RM3. 9 billion).


    CASE 1 : Up to 86% Positive Response

    Effective in the treatment of regulating blood glucose level among 107 diabetes patients with complications like high blood pressure, cholesterol, liver and kidney disease.

    Source: Silica Medicine Clinical Study Group of Japan

    CASE 2 : 100% Improvement

    Great improvement in both "blood glucose level and HbA1c" in the blood test among diabetic patients (clinical trial for 3 months).

    Source: Silica Medicine Clinical Study Group of Japan

    Overweight Population in Southeast Asia


    CASE 3 : Visceral Fat Decreased

    Visceral fat area reduced from 119.0 cm to 78.4cm

    Source: Silica Medicine Clinical Study Group of Japan

    4. Cell Detoxification & Heavy Metal Elimination

    WHO: Average Aluminium intake for adult is 10-15mg/day. In case of drug administration, the normal average intake may reach 50-1000mg/day.

    4. Cell detoxification & heavy metal elimination


    18 Healthy Subjects: 7 Males, 11 Females
    Great reduction of aluminium content in the body after taking daily consistently for 50 days.

    5. Promote Brain, Nerves & Mental Health

    • Boost vitality
    • Increase concentration, and calm the mind
    • Aids in the recovery of nerve function and brain protection
    • Anti-depression, anti-anxiety and anti-insomnia effect

    6. Enhance Digestive Health

    Most gastro-intestinal (GI) problems occur due to the degradation of the lining of the GI tract

    • Good detoxification agent from cells due to the ultra fine particles structure
    • Synthesis of collagen to rebuild lining of GI tract

    7. Strengthen Immune Health

    • Enhance the health of first line immune defence
    • Boost the production of antibodies and antigens
    • Strengthen anti-tumor immune response

    8. Speed up Wound Healing

    • Stimulate proliferation of fibroblast cells to produce collagen
    • Modulate the enzymes, calcium levels and F-actin purse string around the wound
    • Anti-inflammation, reduce swelling, cease bleeding

    9.Promote Skin, Hair, Nails, Teeth & Gum Health

    Recognized as a beauty aid:

    • Production of natural collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and keratin
    • Promote hair and nail growth
    • Improve the strength of teeth and gums


    5-10ml daily mix with water or any type of beverage

    SkinCare: Add in 50:50 ratio of mineral water to spray onto the skin. Use it whenever needed.